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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the name of nearest Railway station & Airport?

Railway station: New Jalpaiguri

Airport: Bagdogra

What is the distance from Railway station / Airport to Pedong / Lava?

Approx 80 kms. It takes about  4 hrs to reach Pedong / Lava

Where can we store our bags before race?

For 21K the bags have to be stored at start point Lava. The bags will be brought by organisers to the finish point ie Pedong Football Ground.

For 42K, 65K and 90K the bags shall be stored and collected from Pedong Football Ground.

Where is the start point?

For 21K it is at LAVA view point which is 30K from Kalimpong.

For 42K, 65K & 90K, it is St George’ Football Ground (Pedong) next to Taxi Stand which is 20K from Kalimpong

All athletes are advised to stay at Lava for 21K race and rest at Pedong.

What is the elevation gain for 42K, 65K and 90K?

42K – 807m

65K – 1267m

90K – 2354m

What is the inclination along the route?

42K – 2.5%

65K & 90K: 2.5% - 4%

Are there any hotels in Pedong / Lava?

There are only home stays. Check our website for ‘accommodation

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